Here are some ways to prepare for your first private lesson:

Bring your instrument and any accessories you use.

We will look at your setup and determine what works best. You can check in with Vermont Violins if your violin needs work or you are interested in renting one (recommended for kids violins).

Bring all of the music you have been recently working on

For more experienced players , this will help your teacher assess your current level by hearing you play a recent piece you have been working on. The more polished, the easier it is to determine your current level, and decide what is best to work on next.

Think of some musicians you like and look up to, and some pieces or songs you especially love.

It is easiest to learn when you are motivated and truly enjoy what you are working on. We can simplify a piece or song of any genre in order to help you learn it at your current level.

Let me know some difficulties you have had in the past and areas in your playing where you think you would like to work on first.

I will have my own ideas too, but it is important to know your goals.